Wednesday, August 09, 2000
Movement II
Kelly, Annmarie, Marcus and I piled into my car (being the biggest car) and drove across the street to Office Depot.
There we bought several boxes and bubble wrap. Hmmmmmmmm … bubble wrap. Three hundred feet of bubble wrap. Enough bubble wrap to—
Oh, sorry.
Anyway, we didn't find any rope so then it was driving back across town (back towards the U-Haul office) for Home Depot.
Office Depot is bad enough, but Home Depot—three guys in a Home Depot. Those stores are dangerous if you aren't careful and even Annmarie was nearly carried away with all the stuff you can get there.
Both Kelly and I had to restrain Marcus and Annmarie from a spending spree and limit themselves to just rope. And some tape. Rope, tape and a tape dispenser. Rope, tape, tape dispenser and …
Start over.
No body expects the Spanish—
Nope, wrong sketch.
Both Kelly and I had to restrain Marcus and Annmarie from a spending spree and limit themselves to rope, tape, tape dispenser and the Spanish Inquisition.
Both Kelly and I had to restrain Marcus and Annmarie from a spending spree and limit themselves to rope, tape, and tape dispenser.
We then ran for the parking lot, which fortunately had a fractal dimention below two.
Afterwards, we went to Burger King for dinner.