The Boston Diaries

The ongoing saga of a programmer who doesn't live in Boston, nor does he even like Boston, but yet named his weblog/journal “The Boston Diaries.”

Go figure.

Tuesday, March 21, 2000


NOTE to self: Never engage Mark in a converstaion about TCP/IP.

According to Mark, TCP/IP is WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG (did I get the correct number there, Mark?). No attempt at error recovery, much less error detection. And it has no flow control. And it seems to exhibit poor behavior across multiple slow links (i.e. from my house to his house).

Mark has experience with telephony protocols, which include things like error detection, error recovery, retransmission, duplication detection, flow control and a dozen other features that the designers of TCP/IP either left out or left to higher level protocols.

Amazingly enough, Mark actually likes the OSI Seven Layer Burrito™ protocol model.

Other NOTE to self: Don't even bring up the higher level protocols like SMTP or HTTP with Mark.

Woo hoo! Books!

My order from the Buckminster Fuller Institute arrived today! Woo hoo! Reading material. Of the six books (yikes!) I order, the following arrived:

  1. 4D Timelock
  2. Synergetics
  3. Grunch of Giants
  4. The Buckminster Fuller Reader
  5. Geodesic Domes

Synergetics 2 is backordered and will probably arrive Real Soon Now. Time to go read …

Shoot first, then ask.

Went with the roommate to play laser tag. About a dozen of us showed up, paid our money for unlimited games for several hours and ran around shooting at each other with light.

One game was played lights out. Not completely though, a few strobe lights blinking randomly provided brief glimpses of the arena (it's Laster Storm, so there are plastic barricades separating the two teams) and the red light from the gun gave your position away (even the headset lights were turned off). Very fun if you can do it.

Then dinner afterwards. Then home to read Bucky.

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Dad was resigned to the fact that I was, indeed, a landlubber, and turned the boat around yet again …

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