The Boston Diaries

The ongoing saga of a programmer who doesn't live in Boston, nor does he even like Boston, but yet named his weblog/journal “The Boston Diaries.”

Go figure.

Wednesday, January 05, 2000

Linux bite) the Watt Tripoli!

My friend Hoade just got some speech recognition software and sent me a dictated email. Part of it reads:

I wonder if I didn't go a little too fast on the speech training. It seems that anything I say is clearly Miss Understood by this bucking basedface phase space based. OK at night wasn't saying octane no not octane docking note not docking awk and known not awk and octane octane you CK e u c k d you see today got the met at up

A delete this lettersentence the descendants to the descendants please delete this sentence

It gets more incoherent if you can believe that.

I think this technology needs a bit more work. It took what? Five years or so for the handwriting recognition on the Newton to actually work most of the time?

This is almost as amusing as the time Hoade ran his novel through Microsoft Word's “Summarize” feature. He ends his letter with:

The lecture h the lecture h the laughter h a the vector eight of the let tear that tear letter and

The letter H
The letter O
The letter A
The letter D
Will air E

I'm typing this part–AIEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

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