The LOSAT is a 6 & 1/2 inch dia., 10 ft. long, 150 lb laser beam
riding missile with impact energy of 60 mega joules. [Compare that with the
12 MJ muzzle energy of a 120mm/44 cal NATO gun.] A test program is
providing a company of them to the 18th Corps. Each launcher has four
missiles packed on a Hummer chassis.
There have been a number of LOSAT tests. One, on a M-48 target tank,
pushed the hull back 10 feet during impact, ignited a _stripped_ tank hull
and exited the engine grill substantially intact. Another, on an empty-of-
ammunition T-72, decapitated the turret. These test films are available,
though tightly held.
—Some comments about military
advances from Jerry Pournelle's site.
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