The Boston Diaries

The ongoing saga of a programmer who doesn't live in Boston, nor does he even like Boston, but yet named his weblog/journal “The Boston Diaries.”

Go figure.

Sunday, Debtember 12, 1999

Picture Perfect Biererzählungen … almost

Mark came back from Munich late last night so his girlfriend Shirley, our friend Kelly, and I got together today to welcome him back and hear stories about liter-sized glasses of beer he consumed while in Beerland.

Mark had taken pictures in Munich using his new digital camera from Sony. This one saves the images on 3.5" disks but he was having problems reading them on his home system (there appears to be a memory leak in the Linux floppy driver under certain circumstances—in any case, a few of his disks appeared to be corrupted).

So we then stopped off at Kelly's house (being closer to where we met) to see if we could read in the disks. We popped the disk into a Windows box and sure enough, one of the disks seemed to be corrupted about halfway in.

“Are you sure those X-ray machines at the airports don't cause problems?” Mark would ask.

“I've never had a problem,” Kelly would say.

“Neither have I,” I would say.

It appears that Mark did though. And most of the disks seemed to be corrupted. Kelly went so far as to use his digital camera (also from Sony) to copy each image one at a time to another floppy, which turned into a time consuming process that wasn't finished because the batteries ran out on his camera, and there is no way to get power to the camera except for the batteries (both sets were at that point being recharged).

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