Thursday, Debtember 09, 1999
“The politics are so fierce precisely because the stakes are so low.”
The politics are so fierce precisely because the stakes are so low.
—Dr. Arnold J. Mandell
As I'm walking out to my car I notice that it seems to be farther away than normal. Sure enough, taped to the driver's side window is the following note:
Next time you park here, your car will be towed
At least it wasn't one of those self-ahesive stickers the Condo Commandos use around here. I pull the note off and go to pop the trunk when I hear someone yelling at me.
“Is that your car?” It's coming from in front of my car, up somewhere. Sure enough, there's someone from a second floor porch yelling at me. “That's my spot you parked in!”
“I'm sorry!” I yell back.
“You're not allowed to park there. You don't park in handicapped spots, right?”
“I'm sorry! I must have parked in the wrong spot last night,” I said. I hop over to the next spot. “This is my spot. I must have parked here by mistake,” I say, putting the package I was carrying in the trunk and shutting it. The man on the porch was glaring at me. Even at 50' away, I could tell.
There was a second note under the wiper of my car as well. Said the same thing. Gotta love those Condo Commandos.