The Boston Diaries

The ongoing saga of a programmer who doesn't live in Boston, nor does he even like Boston, but yet named his weblog/journal “The Boston Diaries.”

Go figure.

Sunday, October 01, 2017

“I aint' got no DDoS. You ain't got no DDoS. We ain't got no DDoS. Where the hell's the DDoS?”

It's October 1st, and my server is still up and running. No DDoS is happening as far as I can see. It appears that the “threat” was indeed, a joke. Not only did I not pay the danegeld, but I didn't have to move my site to Cloudflare.

And that Bitcoin address I was mailed? Still no funds in it (I decided to make the Bitcoin address known—no reason to hide it), which makes me feel better about the whole thing.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Blade Runner 2049

Bunny and I just saw “Blade Runner 2049” and I have to say, I'm conflicted—I don't know if I liked it or not. Don't get me wrong, the movie is just as visually stunning as the original Blade Runner, the cast and script are just as good if not better (exposition is handled much better than in the original).

And as a sequel, it works. There are two major versions of “Blade Runner”—the happy human Deckard and long living replicant Rachael ending, and the ambiguous, maybe human, maybe replicant Deckard and replicant Rachael with short replicant lives ending. And “Blade Runner 2049” works as a sequel to both versions. Ridley Scott, director of “Blade Runner,” has stated that he considers Deckard a replicant, while Harrison Ford, who plays Deckard in both movies, says that Deckard is not a replicant. “Blade Runner 2049” calls out that dichotomy and it's still ambiguous whether Deckard is a replicant or not.

And it's not like it's missing iconic scenes—there's the scene between Deckard and Wallace (this movie's possibly evil captialist overlord played by Jared Leto; I'm sure Deckard's saying “Her eyes were green!” will go down as a quotable moment). Then there's the scene between Lieutenant Joshi (played by Robin Wright) and replicant Luv (played by Sylvia Hoeks as this movie's Roy Batty) showing why it's not a good idea for a human to go up against a replicant, and finally the love scene between the main character “K” (played by Ryan Gosling) and his holographic girlfriend Joi (played by Ana de Armas)—that scene was completely mind blowing for how it was done.

So if the movie is so good, why am I still so conflicted? I think it comes down to mismanaged expectations. Contrary to what others may believe, I don't think “Blade Runner 2049” is even close to being neo-noir. The original “Blade Runner” was very much noir (or neo-noir if you will) with a dark tone and (in at least one version) an ambiguous ending. “Blade Runner 2049?” Not so much. Yes, it's bleak with it's post-apocalyptic feeling but the ending isn't quite so ambiguous (Deckard notwithstanding) and in fact, does have (in a way, if you squint just right), an uplifting ending (but to say more would be to spoil the movie).

So neo-noir, I don't buy.

And it doesn't feel like the type of story Philip K. Dick would write. His book, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? was the basis for “Blade Runner” and it shows to some extent the themes that PKD writes about, there's even less of that in this movie, in my opinion. The story in “Blade Runner 2049” just doesn't seem very Philip K. Dicksian to me.

And it's those two things that have me conflicted about the movie, and they're both about my expectations of what a “Blade Runner” sequel should be.

So, it it worth seeing in the theater? Yes, if just for the cinematography alone.

Also, if you have some forty minutes to kill, there's a discussion of the movie (with spoilers! Oh are there spoilers!) with Adam Savage (of Mythbusters fame), where he gives in movie evidence (using both “Blade Runner” and “Blade Runner 2049”) of why Deckard is a replicant (which works for either version of “Blade Runner”). I think it's worth listening to.

Friday, October 20, 2017

Authenticate all you want, but pointing to a Wikipedia article does not authentication make

"Alice Walton" <>
Recipients <>
Fri, 20 Oct 2017 23:03:10 +0100

I, Alice Walton authenticate this email, you can read about me on: ,

I write to you because I intend to give to you a portion of my Net-worth which I have been banking. I want to cede it out as gift, hoping it would be of help to you and others too. Respond to this email:

With joy,
Alice Walton

Methinks someone has been watching “Mr. Robot” a bit too closely. Just like I'm sure that Alice Walton didn't really send me that email.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

So far, the only fully negative review of “Blade Runner 2049” I've seen

Jamie Zawinski (of Netscape fame) does not like “Blade Runner 2049”. I'm not sure if I hated it as much as he did, but I don't disagree with anything he said.

He also brought up a point I forgot to mention in my original review—the score. I loathed the score, and I'm sure if that's because I don't care for the Hans Zimmer horn—you know, that deep horn BRRR­RRRR­AAAA­AWWW­WRWR­RRMR­MRMM­RMRM­MMMM that is omnipresent in every one of his scores, or the fact that the theater had the volume cranked to 11 which was threatening to blow out the speakers. Sure, there were moments when you could (BRRR­RRRR­AAAA­AWWW­WRWR­RRMR­MRMM­RMRM­MMMM) hear the (BRRR­RRRR­AAAA­AWWW­WRWR­RRMR­MRMM­RMRM­MMMM) original (BRRR­RRRR­AAAA­AWWW­WRWR­RRMR­MRMM­RMRM­MMMM) Vangelis score (which added to the neo-noir atmosphere of “Blade Runner”), but such moments (BRRR­RRRR­AAAA­AWWW­WRWR­RRMR­MRMM­RMRM­MMMM) were overshadowed by (BRRR­RRRR­AAAA­AWWW­WRWR­RRMR­MRMM­RMRM­MMMM) Hans Zimmer's score (BRRR­RRRR­AAAA­AWWW­WRWR­RRMR­MRMM­RMRM­MMMM).

I did not like that, Sam-I-am.

And I'm still conflicted if I liked “Blade Runner 2049.”

Monday, October 30, 2017

Si placet tibi ut quærat pulicem unum mercatus

I was talking with Dad when the Swap Shop came up. The flea market was always a fixture growing up (I moved down here to Lower Sheol in 1979) but it's been years since I last went there. I know the location in Margate is no longer there, and for all I know, the main location in Ft. Lauderdale might be gone too.

Nope. It still exists. And there are now locations in Tampa and Lake Worth. But the description for the Lake Worth location is a bit suspicious:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed at ante. Mauris eleifend, quam a vulputate dictum, massa quam dapibus leo, eget vulputate orci purus ut lorem. In fringilla mi in ligula.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed at ante. Mauris eleifend, Lorem ipsum

Locations | Swap Shop

Somehow, I think someone forgot about the placeholder text

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Dad was resigned to the fact that I was, indeed, a landlubber, and turned the boat around yet again …

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