Wednesday, November 14, 2001
Major network suckage today.
Major network suckage today. At around 3:00 am this morning the network at Condo Conner dropped. All attempts to get out didn't get past the DSL unit and a trace from outside (fortunately my roommate works at night as a system administrator) showed that traffic to Condo Conner was not getting past a router in Miami.
Fast foward to noon today. Can't traceroute to my colocated server. Can't
ping it. Yet Spring can get her mail. Uh oh. A
quick telnet
to port 80 and yes, I can bring up a web page.
Poking around I'm seeing major network problems with my provider. Inside, I can ping some sites, other's I can't. Some sites I can traceroute to, others I can't. One moment I can ping but can't telnet. Then I can telnet. From outside again, it's hit or miss if I can ping or traceroute back to Condo Conner.
Most things are working and that's what makes this more annoying that if it was all down. I'll be going along and wham! can't get there.
I heard from Mark that last night around 3:00 am that the DSL provider is upgrading the software on their equipment at the same time that the local phone company (no names but its initials are BellSouth) is upgrading the software on their equipment and well for the past 17 hours the Internet connectivity has gone to Hell.
Nice job, guys. Ever hear of rollbacks?
Okay, okay, cheap shot, but man, we're jonsing for Internet connectivity here. It's been bad all day … can't get to a site … can't get to a site … can't get to a—wait! We got a page! Woo hoo! Click on a link and … can't get to the site.
Trying to log in to a remote server is just as fun. Nope—that box is
refusing ssh
connections. Still refusing. Is it … yes! It
connected! I'm logged in and … the connection is frozen.
Good news though: we have a dial up account (good thing I hadn't gotten around to getting rid of the second phone line). Bad news: the number is busy.
Okay, things could be worse and for that I'm grateful.
Thursday, November 15, 2001
Getting a fix …
The network seems to be working smoothly now; it only took them 21 hours to get it working (either that, or they actually did a rollback and went back to the drawing boards). In any case, things seem to be back to normal.