The Boston Diaries

The ongoing saga of a programmer who doesn't live in Boston, nor does he even like Boston, but yet named his weblog/journal “The Boston Diaries.”

Go figure.

Wednesday, February 04, 2015

A silly little file redirection trick under Unix

I'm in the process of writing a regression test for “Project: Sippy-Cup” and right now I'm more concentrating on writing what I call a “smoke-test”—something that can be run on my development machine after fixing bugs or adding features so that any obvious problems are “smoked out” before it hits the version control system.

Like “Project: Wolowizard,” this involves running multiple components. That isn't that much of an issue, I have plenty of Lua code to launch a program, and it typically looks like:

errno   = require "org.conman.errno"
syslog  = require "org.conman.syslog"
process = require "org.conman.process"

pid,err = process.fork()
if not pid then
  syslog('error',"fork() = %s",errno[err])
  os.exit(process.EXIT.SOFTWARE) -- who knew about /usr/include/sysexits.h?
elseif pid == 0 -- child process
  local stdin ="/dev/null","r")
  local stdout ="foobar.stdout.txt","w")
  local stderr ="foobar.stderr.txt","w")

  -- --------------------------------------------------------------------
  -- redirect stdin, stdout and stderr to these files.  Once we've done
  -- the redirection, we can close the files---they're still "open" as
  -- stdin, stdout and stderr.  Then we attempt to start the program.  If
  -- that fails, there's not much we can do, so just exit the child
  -- process at that point.
  -- --------------------------------------------------------------------


  process.exec(EXE,{ "–config" , "config.xml" })

Each program is launched in a similar manner, and if any of them crash, the testing harness gets notified. Also, once the tests are done, I can shutdown each process cleanly, all under program control. I want this to be a simple run-me type command that does everything.

During the testing of the testing program, it is nice to be able to see the output of the programs being tested. Sure, I have any output from the programs going to a file, but the problem with that is that it's hard to watch the output in real time. Upon startup (at least under Unix) if stdout (the normal output stream) is a terminal, the output appears a line at a time; otherwise, the output is “fully buffered”—meaning it's only actually written when there's around 4K or 8K worth of output, and if the programs aren't that chatty, you could be waiting a while if you're constantly checking the output files.

But there is a trick—this being Unix, you can redirect the output to another terminal (or in this modern age, a terminal window). I open up a spare terminal window (it's easy enough), and run the w command to find its device entry:

 20:31:32 up 15 days, 6 min,  3 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
USER     TTY      FROM              LOGIN@   IDLE   JCPU   PCPU WHAT
spc      pts/0    marvin.roswell.a 20:06   17.00s  0.28s  0.27s joe 2
spc      pts/1    marvin.roswell.a 20:15   15:50   0.03s  0.02s vi process.c
spc      pts/2    marvin.roswell.a 20:31    0.00s  0.01s  0.00s w

Here, I can see that the w command is being run on terminal device /dev/pts/2 (under Linux, the “/dev/” portion isn't listed). So all I need to do is redirect stdout and stderr to /dev/pts/2 and the output will appear in that window, in real time.

So why do it in this roundabout way? Well, remember, I have several programs running. By opening up multiple terminal windows and directing the output of each program to these windows, the output from each program is kept separated and I can see what's going on. Then, when the testing program is working, I can then go back to writing the output to a file.

Oh, and under Mac OS-X:

20:40  up 21 days,  1:20, 8 users, load averages: 0.01 0.05 0.08
USER     TTY      FROM              LOGIN@  IDLE WHAT
spc      console  -                14Jan15 21days -
spc      s000     -                18:48      32 -ssh XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
spc      s001     -                20:07      23 -bash
spc      s002     -                14Jan15 21days syslogintr
spc      s003     -                20:07       - w
spc      s004     -                20:07       - -ssh lucy
spc      s005     -                20:16       7 -ssh lucy
spc      s006     -                20:32       - -ssh lucy

The “s003” now becomes /dev/ttys003.

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