The Boston Diaries

The ongoing saga of a programmer who doesn't live in Boston, nor does he even like Boston, but yet named his weblog/journal “The Boston Diaries.”

Go figure.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

A biological basis for the Golden Rule?

For years I've grappled with a dilemma which is really only relevant to people who want to argue with Objectivists. Basically once you claim to live by a selfish code of ethics, what prevents you from violating the rights of others for personal gain, in situations where you know you will not be at risk?

David Friedman calls this the Prudent Predator dilemma, and he's been twisting up Randroids with it for 40 years. He even got me with it, back in the day, when I was basically trying to re-write Objectivism into something that made sense.

Ethics, empathy, and primate brain holdovers

I wish I knew of this argument a decade ago when a few of my friends fell heavily into Objectivism. In trying to understand them, I even read all zillion pages of Atlas Shrugged (neat story, but she could have used an editor).

The entry also points out some recent research showing that there may be a biological component to society. Read, as they say, the whole thing.

A clear definition of the Y combinator in 28 words

There are some corners of Computer Science that are so esoteric that descriptions of them don't make sense on first reading (or even the hundredth reading)—for example, the Y combinator. That's why I always treasure crystal clear explanations like this one:

If you have a language that supports anonymous lambda functions, there may be occasions where you want to build a recursive lambda. The Y Combinator specifically enables this.

If you don't like the Y Combinator for some reason, you can always make sure that your recursive functions are always named, but it's often convenient to declare lambdas in place instead of naming them, and this is no less true of recursive lambdas.

Y Combinator in Python

(Don't let the term “anonymous lambda function” trip you up—all that means is a function (or subroutine if you will) that doesn't have a name)

I also find it amusing that while Lisp (generally considered one of the highest programming languages in existence) requires the Y combinator (if that link is too obtuse, how about a page about Lamba Calculus? Okay, that's obtuse as well), Forth, a language originally developed to control radio telescopes and has a history of being rather low level, doesn't need the Y combinator! You can write anonymous lambda functions all day in Forth with no problem (yes, I'm easily amused).

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[The future's so bright, I gotta wear shades]

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